Tuesday, October 24, 2006

TPCM Investigates:
"Of (Super) Human Bondage"

"I don't need the key.
Me likey the handcuffs! Isn't that right, Batman?"

Justice League of America #168, "The Last Great Switcheroo"

After observing Superman's less than "Big Blue Boy Scout" behavior in JLA #144, the crack investigative team here at TPCM decided dig further into Superman's sordid sexual past.

And not since MSNBC's "To Catch A Predator"* have we seen such depravity! Superman's into B&D!!

Tsk tsk, Kal-EL. What would Ma Kent think?

*Editor's Note: If you haven't seen this MSNBC series, you should check it out. It's a great example of how video journalism has slipped from the low rung of "info-tainment" to the cesspool of "reality TV" all in the name of the public good. Don't get me wrong, I'm not "pro-predator", but come on, this is really bad!!

And an unedited panel, I swear. Thank you, Gerry Conway!!