Saturday, November 04, 2006

"No Soup For You!"

My first post that doesn't reference comics.

Paul & Frank: Not Gay

Mature Audience Only
This program is specifically designed to be viewed by adults
and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17.
This program contains one or more of the following:
graphic violence (V), explicit sexual activity (S), or crude indecent language (L).

TRANSLATION: This isn't that bad, but some folks may not consider it work-safe.

Yeah, it's a lazy YouTube link and not comics-related, but hey, it's funny as hell!

Friday, November 03, 2006

The Legion of Substitute Posts

The much anticipated "Cos's Costume Cavalcade Part II" will be slightly delayed.

There a very good reason (more like a set of reasons) for the delay. First, I thought maybe I had missed a costume in my initial search, and then I dug through my old issues and found said costume, and then discovered I was missing quite a number of issues of the Legion Baxter run, and then I spent a couple of hours looking for said issues (which I still haven't found), and then I realized the jokes I wrote for Part II were even lamer than those in Part I, and then...

Anyway, you get the idea. "Cos's Costume Cavalcade Part II" will be coming soon!

So, I wanted to stick to my self-imposed "post once a day in my 1st month" requirement, but I don't have a "reserve bank" of posts. Then I thought, "Who better to feature in a filler than the original Legion fillers, the Subs?"

So here they are...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cos's Costume Cavalcade, Part I
A Cosmic Boy Fashion Retrospective

Motivated by SallyP's giggles at Cosmic Boy's various fashions, TPCM has dug deep into Cos's closet to reveal the exhaustive history of his Legion attire. I will rely on Blockade Boy, the world's foremost authority in super-hero haute couture, to correct any of my missteps in describing these "lovely" garments.

(TPCM trivia: Haute couture is actually a legally protected term!)

Let's begin with Cos's 1st costume from his premier appearance in Adventure #247, 1958.

Here we see Cosmic Boy wearing a smart ensemble, a pink top accented with black and lavender sans-a-belt pants.
Encyclopedia Galactica...Early in it's history, the Legion required members to be inoculated against the "Stupidity Virus" (first identified, Old Earth sector "District of Columbia", circa January 2001). Instead of protecting Legionnaire's from the Stupidity Virus, the vaccine caused active infection, resulting in the need for Legionnaires to wear costumes bearing their names and have placards describing their super-powers.

On the occasion of his 2nd appearance, Cosmic Boy had already changed uniforms; however, in fairness, so had Lightning Lad & Saturn Girl. (Thank God!)

Cos's new attire featured a more varied pink and lavender color scheme with the addition of re-dyed shoulder fins stolen from Lightning Lad's old costume.
Cover shot is shown to illustrate the color scheme was intended, not a result of bad reproduction and to provide a gratuitous Cos butt shot.

The third Legion story (Action Comics #267) featured Supergirl and another costume change for Rokk. In addition to the three founding members, we saw Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy and Invisible Kid. The effects of the "Stupidity Virus" infection were still in evidence: The Legionnaires think they are the children of the Legionnaires seen in the two previous stories and still need written cards to remind them what their powers are!

Cos thought either lavender was "too gay" or his last costume was just "too busy".
These togs showed off an all-pink look (which is certainly much "less gay" than lavender).
"Hey, Lightning Lad. You may want to queer it down a notch there!
The whole "hands-on-the-hips" thing works for Superman.
It makes you, however, look like a pretentious queen!"

It can be argued the above panels represent the "final" Cosmic Boy uniform for many years. But, the right panel clearly shows the bottom half of Rokk's costume colored all pink, not with the black go-go shorts associated with his "classic look". To put any questions to rest, let's take a look at the next unequivocal shot of Cos's garb from Adventure #293, 1962. (Besides it gives me an excuse to use a panel showing the Brain-Globes of Rambat.)

It only took 4 years and almost the same number of costumes,
but Cosmic Boy finally had the togs that would last for 14 years.
From The Rimborian Working Girl's Guide to Cooking...For comfort food that's easy to make and will be sure to please both you and those pesky tricks who demand to be fed, try a simple, but delicious, dish of eggs scrambled with Rambatian Brain-Globes and served with a side of hash browns. To begin...

Here ends the Silver Age versions of Cosmic Boy's attire. Next we'll venture boldly into the costumes from the Bronze Age and beyond!

Coming tomorrow from TPCM,
Cos's Costume Cavalcade, Part II.

TPCM Note: Panel placement edited to improve display at 800x600.

Exposition Gone Wild! Smallvillle Style

Is there ANY REASON to read the story?

5 + 2 = 7: 52 Week 26 in 7 panels

Bitty Broken Booster

Much Missed Martian

Waxing Wise Waverider

Mad Machination Misogyny

Slur Slinging Sivana
Raw Reptilian Romance

TPCM Note: Panel placement edited to improve display at 800x600.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

TPCM Investigates:
Of (Super) Human Bondage Redux

Can the Legion defeat a tyrant?
What is the secret of an enslaved planet?

Will Superboy remember his safeword!?!

Our TPCM investigative team wasn't satisfied with Superman's explanation of his behavior during the JLA's "Switcheroo Case", that his apparent fascination with being handcuffed was "all just a joke".

So we went forward to the past, 2976 specifically, and uncovered startling evidence of a young Superman's indoctrination into the world of B&D!

The TPCM staff can't decide which is more shocking:
Superboy's eagerness for discipline or Lightning Lad's knowing smirk.

You be the judge!

Coming soon from TPCM Investigates...
Green Lantern & Green Arrow:
What really happened in the back of that truck
during their "Search for America".

(Any resemblance to FVP023 is coincidental.)

Editor's Note: For a far less amusing version, i.e., the original, of the panel, click here.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Halloween Fright, Legion-Style

The scariest thing you'll see on a comics blog
this Halloween or ever!

Not the Heart of Darkness totin' (already bat-sh*t crazy)
Jean Loring

Not the emo vampire,
Andrew Bennett of I, Vampire

Not even the Pre-COIE, possessed
Professor Lang!

No, ladies and gentleman,
I give you the most horrifying site
you will ever behold...

Steve Ditko's art on the Legion!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

T&A PSA: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Resources

Yeah, I know Breast Cancer Awareness Month is almost over. But I realized today it was still BCAM and I do have a blog, so I should do a short public service announcement.

Above are four links that will provide good starting points if anyone wants to learn more about breast cancer.

To my male readers, men DO get breast cancer too! (It's relatively rare though.) Regardless, if you have a wife, a girlfriend, a sister or a mom, it wouldn't hurt you to learn a few basics about the disease.

To my female readers, you know the drill:
  • Do monthly breast self-exams.

  • Get an annual mammogram if you're 40 or older.

  • If other women in your immediate family have had breast cancer (especially at a young age), talk to your doctor about what you can do to better monitor your breast health.

As you may know, there are genetic tests to detect inherited gene mutations associated with breast cancer. Typically, only women who come from "high-risk" families are recommended for these tests. Having one of these mutations does not mean a women will get breast cancer. If you consider or your doctor recommends taking such a test, please talk to a genetic counselor or other similar professional before taking the test. (Most doctors should suggest this, but some may not.)

Finally, if you ever have the chance to participate in a epidemiologic study of breast cancer (or any cancer) either as a case or a control (someone without the disease), please seriously consider it. Such studies are vital to cancer research efforts. Participating in a study, particularly if you have (or have recently had) breast cancer, probably doesn't sound like fun. But usual participation only involves a 1-2 hours long interview and sometimes a brief follow-up interview. That small sacrifice of time can make a big contribution to cancer research.

We will now resume with our regular programming. Thank you.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

And What Does It Spell? LEGION!

I promised a bonus to the Legion "Gimme a..." series, and here it is. The cover from LSH #300 featuring the Legion as rendered by 34 different artists!

At the time of publication, the editor held a contest for readers to identify the penciller/inker team (or single artist) for each Legionnaire. I thought I'd post both the cover & artist list for any of you who are in desperate need for something else on which to waste your valuable time.

I'm not making this an "official" TPCM contest. ('Cause I've got bupkus for a prize, and more importantly, I'd hate to throw a party & have nobody come!)

But if you're so inclined, feel free to post your guesses for any or all characters in the comments section. I'll post the list of characters and artists (& the names of folks with correct answers, if anyone takes a stab at it) next Sunday.

Knock yourself out!