Friday, October 27, 2006

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall...

Earlier this week, I had NPR's All Things Considered playing in the background. I was focused on my work, not really listening to the radio.

Until... I think I hear the words "reflecto porn".

It's amazing how rapidly the human brain can respond. Immediately my blogging-addled, randomly-firing neurons generated this:

Reflecto Porn
The explicit depiction of sexual subject matter, involving Superboy's body, inhabited by the amnesic consciousness of Ultra Boy and disguised as a red-headed third entity. May or may not include simulated snuff imagery.
Usage: Luornu was disturbed, yet somewhat aroused, after she inadvertently found Chuck's large collection of Reflecto porn.

The Legion of Superheroes #282 & #279, respectively

After "googling" the term, I discovered the truth of reflectoporn is far more horrifying than even my twisted mind could have envisioned!

Editor's Note: Turns out the NPR piece was an interview with Paul Dikson, the author of Slang: The Topical Dictionary of Americanisms.