Monday, October 16, 2006

Beefcake Appreciation Week or
How Mike Grell Made Me Gay

Since Kalinara & Ragnell have declared this week, Beefcake/Cheesecake Appreciation Week and I was planning on using this panel at some point, here's my contribution.

Damn you Mike Grell!
If a young impressionable QL hadn't seen this panel,
how different the world might have been!!

Green Lantern #91, "The Revenge of the Renegade!"

Honestly, I'm not sure what's more titillating: the "if Grell had drawn 2mm downward" this wouldn't have gotten Comics Code approval or Ollie's "grab me by the arms and ravish me" pose.


  1. In honor of Beefcake/Cheescake week, Holy Gosharootie!

  2. OH



    I remember that panel.

    Sometime last at night, when I'm alone.

    It's the same panel that made ME gay.

  3. Scipio: Ah hah! I knew I couldn't be the only one on whom it had that effect!! Grell owes us the full (all the way to the toes, baby) panel for making us gay! I think we should start a petition!!
